Are We In the matrix?
What do computers, brains in jars, energy and pandas have in common? More than you may think!
Join Lacey and Alex on a trip down the rabbit hole in the premier episode of Crackpot Cocktail Hour Season 2!
Click on the Gallery Below to explore further
References below the episode.
Story By: Lacey Ramse | Hosted by: Lacey Ramse & Alex Brenan
Want to drink along at home?
Try our Weekly Special Cocktail crafted by our own Lacey Ramse!

Cocktail Recipe
1 part each
Genever (Bols recommended)
Sour apple liqueur
½ part
Sweet vermouth
Lemon juice
Shake genever, liqueur, and lemon juice with ice. Strain into martini glass. Slowly add sweet vermouth, using a pipette if available, to sink it to the bottom. Garnish with apple slice.
Mocktail Recipe
1 part each
Ritual Zero Proof Gin substitute
Jota & Jota Non-alcholic green apple liqueur
½ part:
Versin Apertif- Non-alcoholic sweet vermouth alternative
Shake gin substitute, liqueur substitute, and lemon juice with ice. Strain into martini glass. Slowly add Versin apertif, using a pipette if available, to sink it to the bottom. Garnish with apple slice.
Illing, Sean. Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? I Don’t Know. Probably. Vox. 27 December, 2019.